2022 GCPRA Rule Book 
(Click Image to View 2022 GCPRA Rule Book)
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Incentive Tie Down Rules/Guidlines:
Effective 1/1/2023

1.The GCPRA Incentive Calf Roping is open to qualified MEMBERS only. Permit or non-members must enter as an Open Calf Roper.

2. Members wishing to compete as an Incentive Calf Roper MUST complete and submit and Incentive Calf Roper application to the GCPRA state office 7 days prior to entries opening for the desired rodeo. The GCPRA office will forward all applications to the Incentive Calf Roping Director for review and approval by the Director and designated panel. If the application is approved, the member will be charged a $25 processing fee to be collected by the State Secretary or Rodeo Secretary.

3. All decisions on a ropers Incentive status will be made by a 3 person panel. This panel will consist ofof the Incentive Calf Roping Director, the Open Calf Roping Director, and another designated Open Calf Roper. A 2/3 vote by the panel will determine the ropers incentive or open status.

4.The Incentive Calf Roping is open to all GCPRA members regardless of age. When evaluation a member who submits and application; The 3 person panel should take into consideration the following:

a) general horsemanship
b) catch ability with calf rope
c) slack handling / holding slack
d) dismount speed and ability
e) blocking and flanking ability
f) calf tying

5.) In Regard to ropers who have been granted Incentive status who are under 18 years old. These ropers will be evaluated by the 3 person panel at the beginning of each season. At this time the panel will vote upon their incentive status. Furthermore, at the halfway mark of the season (this is determined by the previous years rodeo count ie, if the rodeo count was 20 in the previous season; the halfway mark of the current season would be 10) these ropers WILL be re-evaluated and voted upon again by the 3 person panel. The panel should consider the following when determining the ropers continued incentive status:

a) How much money the roper has won in the open calf roping. (Does it look like they are going to make the open finals at this point?)

b) How many rodeos, and which rodeos has the roper placed at in the open calf roping. (Have they placed in multiple rodeos in the open? If so, were they big rodeos with lots of open entries or small rodeos with minimal entries?)

c) How fast the roper was when they place in the open calf roping. (Did they tie the calf in 8 or 9? Or did they tie one in 12 or 13?)

d) How much incentive money the roper has won at that point. (Do they have a commanding lead in the incentive standings?)  If at the ½ way mark a ropers incentive status is confirmed, they will be allowed to finish the season as such.

6.) All ropers 60 years and older will be granted incentive status regardless of ability.

7. To be moved out of the Open Calf Roping and into the Incentive Calf Roping, a written appeal along with an Incentive Calf Roping application must be sent to the GCPRA office for review by the Incentive Calf Roping Director and designated panel.

8.) 15% of the Incentive Calf Roping entry fee money is to be added to the Open Calf Roping payout by the Rodeo Secretary.